Psychological Sciences IT

Below you'll find news, information, and IT support resources for faculty and staff in the the Department of Psychological Sciences. Please contact the psychological sciences IT staff for any departmental issues.

Our Services

Aenean mi quam, sagittis eu posuere quis, luctus faucibus quam. Suspendisse lectus velit, fringilla a elit at, commodo lobortis eros. Proin quis auctor sem. Sed ultricies risus eget ex fringilla, at sollicitudin turpis volutpat. In laoreet elit mauris, nec maximus odio sagittis non. Quisque et hendrerit orci. Ut aliquet, augue quis mollis euismod, diam lorem viverra orci, a malesuada metus nisl ut ligula.

  • Praesent consequat pulvinar venenatis.
  • Nullam sit amet ex ipsum.
  • am eget dapibus mauris, quis congue eros.
  • Proin finibus ullamcorper pulvinar.
  • Phasellus et sem sapien.
  • Sed interdum leo eu semper commodo.

Mauris libero quam, cursus sit amet dolor ac, pulvinar fermentum augue. Nulla facilisi. Integer sit amet dolor odio. Proin iaculis purus a finibus imperdiet. In sit amet mollis lorem. Nunc sit amet hendrerit odio.


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Hardware and Software Support Policy


The Department of Psychological Sciences Computer Committee decided on the following policy regarding Departmental hardware and software support. The policy was presented to, and approved by the Department Head and Division Heads on Feb. 7th, 2000.

The list of support is updated by the Computer Committee each semester. The following list of support was approved May 3, 2019.

The Department of Psychological Sciences currently has two computer support staff (Psych. Staff). It should be noted that service priority is given to computer problems that affect large numbers of users (e.g. servers, teaching, network printers, shared machines), thus the actual time interval until support is given may vary with the nature of the problem.

New Purchases

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Requesting Support for Computer Problems

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Aenean mi quam, sagittis eu posuere quis, luctus faucibus quam. Suspendisse lectus velit, fringilla a elit at, commodo lobortis eros. Proin quis auctor sem. Sed ultricies risus eget ex fringilla, at sollicitudin turpis volutpat. In laoreet elit mauris, nec maximus odio sagittis non. Quisque et hendrerit orci. Ut aliquet, augue quis mollis euismod, diam lorem viverra orci, a malesuada metus nisl ut ligula.

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